A Nice Alternative for Breakfast

How to Make Halloumi Cheese?

How to Fry Halloumi Cheese?What is Halloumi Cheese?

How to Make Halloumi Cheese?

A Nice Alternative for Breakfast       

Since halloumi cheese is pickled with plenty of salt for long life, it may seem salty to you.

At this stage, preferably if you want to lower the salt content, you can soak it in water for a while before consuming it.

Then, by cutting the cheese slices of the desired thickness - neither too thick nor too thin - you can fry your cheeses without adding any oil, if possible, in a non-stick  pan.I prefere to fry in little butter usually.

Your cheeses will be browned in a short time.

What is Halloumi Cheese?

What is Halloumi Cheese?

Halloumi cheese is a frequently textured, semi-hard, yellowish dark white cheese of Cypriot origin.

Where is halloumi cheese? The consumption of halloumi cheese, which has been produced in Cyprus for many years, has recently increased in Turkey.

There is a type of cheese known in Egypt as 'halim', while in the Greek part it is known as 'halloumi'.

Halloumi cheese is a type of cheese with high nutritional value like any other cheese. The halloumi cheese calorie rate is 95 kcal per 25 grams - for a finger thick slice. Halloumi cheese protein ratio is about 7 gr in a middle slice.

You can add it as a delicious detail to your breakfast tables, salads, pizza, hamburgers, pies, pita and macaroni by frying halloumi cheese as you can consume it in brine or spiced (usually dry mint); totally up to your taste and creativity!

How to Make Halloumi Cheese?

Since halloumi cheese is of Cypriot origin, it is made using traditional methods specific to that region.

Raw cow milk is produced using sheep or goat milk. In addition to preserving the freshness of cheese prepared with sheep's milk for a long time, the shelf life of halloumi cheese with cow milk is shorter.

Unpasteurized fresh milk is heated for making halloumi cheese and fermented after cooling a little. When coagulation begins, it is cut into pieces and mixed, then taken into molds and undergoes printing.

It is prepared in pieces of approximately 250 grams, or in rectangular molds, brine with plenty of salt and packaged in vacuum.

How is hellim cheese stored with this stage? You do not need to fuss, the brine method prolongs the life of cheese.

You can keep it in a storage container made of clean, dry and healthy materials that can be sealed.

Since it is a cheese with high salt content, it is preferably possible to soak it in water before consuming it.

Cheese, pickled in rectangular molds, adds a delicious flavor to your recipes with slices of the desired size.

You can keep it in a storage container made of clean,dry and healty metarials that can be sealed.

Since it is a cheese with high salt content, it is preferably possible to soak it in water before consuming it.


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