Leek Soup
Leek Soup Recipe |
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Leek Soup Recipe
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 30 mins
Serve : 6-8
4-5 leek
1 onion,chopped
1 Carrot
1 Potato
10 tablespoon yoghurt
2 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper
1/4 lemon juice
2 tablespoon olive oil
1,5 Lt hot water
Step 1
-Chop in a very small pieces onion and fry gently in 2 tablespoon olive oil untill become golden.
-Chop in a very small pieces carrot, leek , potato and add to pot.Saute 10 minutes with fried onion.
-Add 1,5 Lt hot water after you sauted the vegetables.lt will cook over medium heat until the vegetable are soft.
-After vegetables soft mash with blender.
Step 2
-Use an immersion blender to blend the flour,leemon juice and yoghurt untill smooth.
-Add your the mixture of yoghurt,leemon juice and flour slowly into the boling soup and carry on stirring.Keep to stir until well combined and until simmer.
Attention:Do not stop stirring until it bubbling up the soup.
Step 3
-After bubbling up add red papper and salt. Boil it more 5 minutes and stop to cook
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